A collaboration with BIORE presents products and gifts at more than 20 Primary Schools in Ho Chi Minh City


- Eliminate bacteria - causes disease, accumulates in the dust and sebaceous glands, sweat. Brings clean skin,Non-greasy scent with herbal scent feels always protected after each bath.

- Below are photos taken at some of the Primary Schools in Ho Chi Minh City.

Bioré Guard Antibacterial Body Wash
Shower gel seems like just a normal product to use every day but indirectly affects the skin you are cherished, preserved. Bioré Guard Antibacterial Body Wash with o-Cymen-5-ol antibacterial active ingredient helps cleanse the skin, bacteria and sweat on the skin, helps prevent acne and rash effectively. Shower gel with extracts of peppermint, essential oils and skin care formulas specifically for moisturized skin, feeling refreshed and cool.

And below are photos taken at the school

Organize games and give gifts to students


A collaboration with BIORE presents products and gifts at more than 20 Primary Schools in Ho Chi Minh City - Eliminate bacteria - causes disease, accumulates in the dust and sebaceous glands, sweat. Brings clean skin, Non-greasy scent with herbal scent feels always protected after each bath. - Below are photos taken at some of the Primary Schools in Ho Chi Minh City.