In the 21st century, the demand for convenience and deliciousness in cuisine is increasingly on the rise. To meet this trend, Ponnie was born and quickly made its mark in the hearts of food enthusiasts. From preparing a variety of delicious dishes to creating truly unique culinary experiences, Ponnie constantly presents new challenges and delivers unforgettable dining occasions.

With the desire to bring an exciting connection between cuisine and the community, Ponnie collaborates with SAO EDU to introduce the program "Stir-fried Meat - Revolutionizing Hot Meals." This is not only a delicious meal but also a culinary experience full of excitement designed specifically for students at schools.


The main activity of the program involves on-the-spot stir-frying of meat. Ponnie's chefs will prepare the stir-fried meat right on the spot and in front of the students.


The students will get to the experience the meat being prepared right there along with the pre-prepared portions of rice.


Implementing the program directly like this will also bring several benefits to the Ponnie brand:

  • Create a strong impression.
  • Foster connections and bonds.
  • Establish a marketing platform.
  • Demonstrate commitment to the community.
  • Increase brand awareness. 


The "Stir-fried Meat - Revolutionizing Hot Meals" program has exceeded expectations by providing an exceptional culinary experience for the students at the school. The combination of delicious stir-fried meat and hot rice has created a captivating and flavorful dish. The program is not only about cuisine but also about creating memories in the students' academic lives.

SAO EDU is thrilled to collaborate with this program, leaving a remarkable impact on the students. We commit to ceaseless efforts in the future, bringing more meaningful activities to the school environment and providing even more effective support for brands and organizations in accessing the school channel.