introduce Indian neem powder products to Golden Smile Company at universities, colleges and intermediate schools

 Introducing neem flour products with Golden Smile Company to more than 15 universities and colleges in Ho Chi Minh City. HCM

  • We affirm that Neem - Golden Smile always brings products extracted from the purest neem leaves in India with the best standards and quality. Each of our products is combined with Dong Y to have the best value of products for users.

  • We affirm that Neem Smile Golden always brings products that are extracted from the purest Neem leaves in India with the best standards and quality.

Neem: is one of the two species of the genus Azadirachta, the Neem tree grows fast, can reach a height of 15-20 m.
The tree is evergreen, but when the drought hits, the tree can lose its leaves.
The broad branched branch has a slightly rounded or oval crown and can reach 15-20 m in diameter.
Flowers: white and aromatic, arranged axillary, drooping to 25 cm (10 inches) long. Hermaphrodite flowers and male flowers exist on the same tree.
Fruit: is a (glabrous) like olive, smooth, oblong oval shape from nearly round, and when ripe reaches 1.4-2.8 x 1.0-1.5cm.
The fruit skin (exocarp) is thin and the bitter-sweet pulp (mesocarp) is yellow-white and very fibrous. mesocarp is 0.3-0.5 cm.
White hard inner shell (pods) of the fruit surrounds one, rarely has two or three, long seeds (nuclei) have brown fur seeds ..

  • Photos of early check-in of PG


  • Counselors and gifts to students

  • Each product of Neem Golden Smile is combined with Dong Y to have the best value of products for users.
The value of Golden Neem Smile is placed on each product.