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Design EDEXCEL program

At ADS Vietnam, students will have access to an international professional training program in Vietnam with Advanced Diploma - Level 5 of international value and easy transfer to more than 80 countries. world.

Who is this program for?

 - Design enthusiasts (fashion, graphics and 3D) - People over the age of 30. - People who do not have IELTS level above 4.5.

- People who don't have much money to follow

- People who don't know what to study for.

- Those who borrow money from others to pay tuition fees only to satisfy their own desires.

- Lazy people. Age of passion.

Who is this program for?

- Those who really have a lot of money to pay tuition (over 100 million / year).

 - Those who dare to pursue passion about Design. - People who want to start a career in Design.

- Those who have the ability to communicate in English and accept to study abroad. We do not receive those?

- People who are less aware of fashion. If you are interested in viewing this article, please visit the Edexcel introduction page to view the terms of participation. We always welcome the talented and qualified to pursue the passion of Design.

First Checkin with ADS Friends

The pictures taken at the school


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